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A survey carried out by the British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association (a non-profit organisation) found 40% of the population of England snore. Oftentimes, simply changing positions can stop snoring, especially at first.

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The first thing you can do is realize the fact that sleeping on your side is typically enough to fix this problem. Onions are naturally anti-inflammatory. Snoring is due to abnormal movement from the inner tissue walls of the throat that triggers the sound and produces snoring effect. buy snoring chin strap uk anti snore sona pillow On her website, 47-year-old Miss Millard, BBC art correspondent between 1995 and 2004, said: ‘Mr Millard didn’t always snore. A person can inherit a narrow throat which can cause snoring. In fact, if someone still can't afford VitalSleep, they may contact the company to discuss alternative options.

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